19 jan. 2011


Ska det alltid vara så här?
Ska döden alltid få bestämma hur livet ska levas?
Ska man springa på sandpapper med ansiktet i ankelhöjd?

Fatta vilket anti-klimax!

Tre...Två...Ett... ..............

Som att jaga boskap med el-batong bara för att lugna dom.

Det enda jag tystnar för är för att höra ditt svar.
Hellre sent än aldrig, men jag är en otålig figur.
Så ge nu mig ännu en omgång i symmetri angående min världsbild, för den är ju fel eller hur?

Ge mig ljuset, ljuden, adrenalinet och den skräckblandade förtjusningen av att beskåda en kritisk betongvägg.

Jag har vaknat med det ordet ringandes i mitt huvud flera morgnar i rad nu.
Det låter så hjälpande, men samtidigt så syntetiskt.

Febern sprider sin falska värme ut i min utmärglade kropp samtidigt som smärtande ögon flackar runt i rummet utan väggar.

Jag vill så gärna ha tillbaka min drivkraft!
Men nu hittas den endast på avskilda vägar och i stängda skåp som jag vägrar öppna i rädslan för att den ska ramla tungt
i mitt huvud.

Det är så jag ska hitta min inre önskan.

11 jan. 2011



I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of *BEEEEP*

I know how difficult this must be for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

*BEEEEP* was such a kind, gentle soul. He would do anything to help someone in need.

I remember this one time when he lived a life filled with joy and laughter, but still he couldn't feel happy.
It was so cute.

I know how much you will miss *BEEEEP*
Even in these hard times, I encourage you to draw on your strength and the strength of your family.
Perhaps you could use your special talent of writing poems to make a lasting memory book of *BEEEEP* ?

If you would like, just call me and I'll try help you get inspired.
I have some lovely memories of *BEEEEP* I’d love to share.

May God bless you and your family during this time and always,



I am chocked about the fact that you still haven't noticed.

I know how difficult this must be for you. After all, when death occurs it's hard to realise.

*BEEEEP* was a complete fuck-up! He may thought of other people but everything he did, he did in profit.

I'm trying to forget that he ever lived, if you can call that feast of intrails a life.
It was so repulsive...

I know how much YOU will miss *BEEEEP*
Since these are hard times for you, I encourage you to take some time to look within yourself.
Or will you keep using your special talent of Self-deception to tell yourself we haven't died?

If we would like, we'll visit our grave everytime we haunt us.
You and I have some unfinished business we’d love to deal with.

May we rot in the ground.
